Kros Dai’ Blog No excuse, no panic




  Imagine you are a web site developer. You have been commissioned to develop a web page for an academic conference. You will be required to use the markup language XML in conjunction with the XML Schema and XML Style Language.

  The web page must contain information about conference venue, organising committee, conference themes/tracks and the conference program. More details are given below.

Detailed Requirements

  All the content you need to complete this assignment can be found an the web page of the 13th European conference on Information System 2005:

Conference Details
  • The name of the conference is the 13th European Conference on Information Systems(2005).
  • The conference will be held in Regensburg, Germany and was organised by the Institute for Management of Information Systems at the University of Regensburg.
  • The address of the conference can include certain elements (street name, building name etc) which you are free to name.
  • The venue of the conference can be enhanced with the inclusion of a map.
Organising Committee
  • The organising committee include representatives from various institution and is responsible for different sections of the conference.
  • Assume that the representatives are the conference chair, program chaire, research papers chair, technology chair, coordinator, student volunteer organiser.
Conference Themes/Tracks
  • The conference has 18 different tracks. Please select only 4 different tracks for your assignment.
  • Each track has a track name, a short description of it, and a list of suggested topics.
  • Each track is moderated by at least one track chair (name and affiliated institution) key words of the paper.
Conference Program
  • The conference program contains information regarding the presentations of your selected papers, the name of the authors, the location and time.
  • Each paper (with title name) is written by at least one author.
  • All papers are to be presented by at least one of the authors during the conference (This information might not be provided by the web page and you must decide who could be the presenter).
  • Provide the information about the track chairs (name and affiliated institution)

Presentation of the XML document

  The presentation should be realized with XSL and in an Internet browser. You have to develop FIVE XSL files delivering information on

  • Conference venue (venue.xsl)
  • Organising committee (committee.xsl)
  • Conference Tracks (tracks.xsl)
  • Conference Program (program.xsl)
  • Merge file (merge.xsl) - The merge file is a file which enables you to link all the stylesheets together.

  Please ensure that the documents are well-commented in order to increase the readability of the assignment. Please also ensure that the final webpage is well-presented. You can make use of some HTML to enhance the appearance of your webpage.


  The delivery of the assignment has to be 6 components (single files):

1. XML file name: ecis_conference.xml
2. DTD file name: ecis_dtd.dtd
3. XML Schema file name: ecis_schema.xsd
4. XSL file 1 name: venue.xsl
5. XSL file 2 name: committee.xsl
6. XSL file 3 name: tracks.xsl
7. XSL file 4 name: program.xsl
8. XSL file 5 name: merge.xsl

  有点看不懂,这个题目意思好像是把所有信息放到一个 xml 文件里,然后不同 xsl 文件从这个 xml 中读取数据并表现出来。xsl 有读取 xml 文件的语法嘛?我只知道不同内容、相同格式的 xml 文件调用一个 xsl 文件来表现自己的数据,可以反过来?好像除非在另一个页面里用 JS 载入不通的 xsl,通过 JS 打印出来才行吧……征集答案 -_-

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